New York University, Tandon School of Engineering
B.S. Computer Science 路 May 2022
Minor in Game Engineering
Honors: Recipient of Nick Russo Award for Outstanding General Engineering Design, Grace Hopper Celebration Scholarship Recipient 2020
Relevant Coursework: Object Oriented Programming(C++), Data Structures and Algorithms(Python), Discrete Mathematics, Data Analysis, Computer Architecture and Organization, Introduction to Databases, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Software Engineering, Operating Systems(C), Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, Interactive Computer Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, 3D Modeling, Introduction to Game Programming, Game Design, Introduction to Data Science, Java & Web Design
Other Coursework: Podcasting Workshop
Alteryx - Growth Team
Software Engineer 路 July 2022 to June 2024
Implemented customer-centric features like Intercom chat messenger and a streamlined trial registration process, driving an increase in user activation for Alteryx Analytics Cloud platform; Spearheaded the development and launch of an integration between Alteryx鈥檚 Designer Cloud and Databricks, Enabling seamless data transfer and a unified user experience between the two platforms, and Contributed to an increase of 1000 monthly trial sign-ups to Alteryx Analytics Cloud by optimizing usability and implementing user growth features.
Twitter - Embed Client Team
Software Engineering Intern 路 June 2021 to August 2021
Developed a Reply Prompt box prototype for embedded Tweets using React to introduce more non-users to the Twitter platform, then Conducted a user experiment to evaluate an alternative prompt box design, resulting in a 7.5% increase in conversion clicks to on-platform content. Prototyped and tested a solution for Video Embeds that boosted conversion rates and user engagement with embedded Tweets containing video.
Brown University - exploreCSR
Research Intern 路 February 2022 to May 2022
Research Intern in Brown University research program, Socially-Responsible AI for Computational Creativity. Program funded by Google Research's exploreCSR initiative.
NYU Game Innovation Lab
Research Intern 路 Feb 2020 to August 2020
Developed general game-playing AI agents for The Sims 4 using a quality diversity evolutionary algorithm. Analyzed and interpreted experiment results alongside graduate students and postdocs, and organized notes & data within a thesis paper. This was the SulSulSimSim project.
Georgia Tech - COVIDEAS 2020 REU
Research Intern 路 June 2020 to December 2020
Conducted research for building a prediction market for the coronavirus pandemic by aggregating public health forecast data, and built an interactive COVID-19 forecasting website with React and Flask that allows users to predict future pandemic-related metrics and stores their predictions securely in a MongoDB database. Also designed a dynamic website for REU organization and oversaw program website updates and modifications.
Java & Python 路 Sep 2019
Coded backend of Android application that identifies wheelchair accessible entrances on the MIT & Boston University campuses. Programmed in-app scenes in Java that iterated through latitude and longitude coordinates, and mapped them using the Google API. Winner of Best Assistive Tech Project & placed Top 10 against 200+ teams at HackMIT 2019.
MERN Stack & AWS S3
JustShoot is a community and platform for photo enthusiasts to find cool locations for photo shoots. Created a fullstack app with login authentication, multer-s3 deployment and MongoDB storage. Deployed using Netlify and Heroku.
Leadership Activities
NYU Girls Who Code College Loop
Founder/President 路 Oct 2019 to May 2022
Founder and organizer of bimonthly meetings for the Girls Who Code (GWC) College Loop at New York University. Recruited members, plan.ed meetings, managed logistics, and served as the point of contact with Girls Who Code organization. Managed monthly challenges that hone computer science skills, and provided professional development opportunities with industry professionals and Girls Who Code corporate partners. Won numerous awards at Tandon Student Leader Awards, including Outstanding New Initiative and Outstanding Organizational Collaboration. Recognized as an exceptional leader within the Girls Who Code community by receiving the prestigious Reshma Saujani Girls First Leadership Award, for my participation in many different Girls Who Code initiatives.
Nick Russo Award for Outstanding General Engineering Design
Aug 2019
Retrieval and Delivery System Design Project was a project apart of the core curriculum of all NYU engineering students. The purpose was to teach students how to manage a project, by creating a project outline, producing multi-stage prototypes and marketing your product at the end. My team's project was selected as the best Retrieval and Delivery System project, from among 150 other teams.
Reshma Saujani Girls First Leadership Award
April 2024
Each year, to commemorate Girls Who Code鈥檚 anniversary, the organization honors a member of the community who exemplifies the organization's values of bravery, sisterhood, and changing the face of tech. I was the recipient in 2024 for my leadership and participation in many different Girls Who Code initiatives such as College Loops, Hiring Summit, Staff Retreat, and Summer Immersion Program.
Animation Diversity Foundation GDC 2022 Scholar
March 2022
The ADF GDC Scholarship provides All Access passes to GDC in San Francisco. Consistent with the ADF mission statement, they aim to increase access and opportunity to marginalized or under-represented groups in the games industry, in order to improve diversity and inclusion. Scholarship recipients focus on animation-related disciplines, such as character animation, technical animation/rigging, animation programming, etc. My post about the experience.
Javascript, React, Node.js, Progressive Web Development(HTML,CSS,Javascript), Python, C++, Flask
Certifications: Google Cloud Digital Leader
Microsoft Office, G Suite, Heroku, Netlify, VS Code, Figma, Autodesk Maya
Photography, Guitar, Videogames